Debunking These 5 Common HVAC Myths in Washington, DC

Many people misunderstand the work and functionality of HVAC systems, and this leads them to spread the wrong information. The following are five common HVAC myths among Washington, DC, residents.

1. You Can Place the Thermostat Anywhere

Everything about your heating and cooling system revolves around the thermostat. When wrongly placed, a thermostat won’t deliver accurate readings. Don’t place a thermostat in a location that’s too cold or too hot.

Remember, the thermostat should read the accurate temperature of your home to adjust it accordingly. When your thermostat sits directly in the path of summer sunlight, it’ll get hot. Exposing a thermostat to higher room temperatures will make your HVAC system run longer than is necessary, costing your more money in energy bills.

If placed over an air vent, the thermostat could show a temperature that is cooler than the room actually might be. Likewise, if you installed it in the kitchen, it might give erroneous readings when the stove raised your kitchen temperature.

Don’t install the thermostat close to drafty doors and windows, either. The most recommended place to install a thermostat is a hallway. These areas are less occupied, meaning discrepancies in temperature readings are fewer.

2. Routine HVAC Checks and Maintenance Are a Waste of Money

You might have heard a friend say that they can’t spend money on routine HVAC checks. The reason? It’s a waste of money because it doesn’t add any value to your property or health, they say.

The truth: Hiring an HVAC maintenance technician to check your HVAC system comes with many benefits. Below are some reasons why regular HVAC maintenance is essential:

  • Regular HVAC checks allow for timely diagnosis of existing problems.
  • Scheduled HVAC maintenance allows for timely repair and replacement of damaged components.
  • Professional HVAC checks keep your HVAC system performing at its peak.

In order to keep your HVAC working effectively and save money on energy bills, schedule seasonal maintenance. Hire a qualified local technician to conduct the checks. As one of the best Washington, DC, HVAC contractors, we honor appointments and always deliver customer-centered services.

Our technicians have the tools and skills to diagnose long-term and short-term HVAC mechanical problems. Scheduled annual professional checks can keep the system from becoming less efficient.

3. It’s OK to Replace the Air Filters Once Every Six Months

Air filters made by trusted manufacturers with high-quality materials have a maximum lifespan of six months, but should be checked and most likely changed at 3 month intervals. The best way to maintain your furnace and air conditioner working optimally is by regularly checking and replacing the air filters.

At maximum, use the air filters for three months. Dirty filters are one of the reasons most furnaces and air conditioners fail.

4. Lowering or Raising Thermostat Temperatures Gets the Work Done Fast

You can’t alter an HVAC system’s heating or cooling speed by setting extreme thermostat temperatures. If someone ever tells you to raise or lower your HVAC thermostat’s temperatures greatly to make it work faster, don’t believe them. That’s because your HVAC system will always work according to its manufactured pace.

In fact, setting the thermostat temperatures higher or lower than expected makes the systems run longer to hit the set temperature. That increases energy consumption and raises utility bills.

5. Fans Can Regulate Room Temperatures

Fans can’t facilitate indoor temperature regulation. The ideal work of fans is to circulate indoor air. As you feel the air moving over your skin, it is creating a wind chill, making you feel cooler. Leaving fans to run when you’re not in the room or at home won’t reduce the room temperatures but it will increase your energy use.

Don’t believe every HVAC myth thrown your way. Instead, contact our team of professionals at Vernon Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. for advice or to schedule an appointment whenever you need HVAC repairs, maintenance, or installation.

Image provided by iStock

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