5 Signs Your Heat Pump Needs Repair in Bethesda, MD

Your heat pump helps keep the temperature inside your Bethesda, MD, home comfortable during the fall and into winter. When the heat pump produces less heat, high energy bills and short cycles, it indicates a problem. Below are a few signs that indicate your heat pump needs a repair.

1. Excessive Heat Pump Leaks and Moisture

During the normal operation of the heat pump, it lets out moisture and condensation. When the heat pump starts leaking water inside the house, it is indicative of a malfunction.

2. High Utility Bills

The heat pump helps increase energy efficiency. An increase in the amount of energy it takes to maintain your home’s temperatures signifies a problem. These are signs that your heat pump struggles to do the job and needs professional repair and maintenance.

3. Short Cycles

Short cycles are the heating system turning on and off. This occurrence is a way of the system cooling itself and getting back to the desired temperatures. If your heating system is constantly turning itself on and off, it’s time for a technician to check the heat pump.

4. Age of the System

Heat pumps should work for anywhere from 10 to 15 years. With time, they become less energy efficient, and making them prone to frequent breakdowns along with the need for replacement parts.

If your heat pump is more than 10 to 15 years old, it may be time to stop the repairs and opt for a replacement. Changing an old heat pump is an excellent way to save money on constant repairs and upgrade to more energy-efficient models. Your HVAC technician can provide valuable information to help you with this decision.

5. Uneven Heating

The heat pump should evenly heat your home while saving on energy. When you have to set your system to higher temperatures to keep your house warm, it signifies the need for heat pump repair. You should address this issue to prevent any damage to the heat pump.

An effective heat pump is beneficial to your entire household and reduces costs. Give us a call at Vernon Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc for excellent heating, maintenance and repair services.

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