Choosing Furnace Replacement or Repair in Fairfax, VA

If your heating system isn’t keeping you warm this winter, it may be time to decide whether you should keep fixing your furnace or choose new furnace replacement. Comparing your furnace’s age and performance to a newer system’s performance and benefits is important when choosing between repairs and replacement.

1. Take Age Into Account

Gas furnaces run for 10 to 15 years, and oil and electric furnaces can last between 20 and 25 years. This is only when a furnace gets professional maintenance every year and doesn’t run excessively.

Clearly, getting a repair, even a costly repair like a heat exchanger replacement, for a younger furnace would make sense since it could contribute to several more years of operation. However, if your furnace is aging, it may be better to replace the system.

2. How Is the Furnace Performing?

Have you noticed that your furnace just doesn’t seem to keep the home as warm as it used to? Maybe you have hot and cold spots throughout the home. Sometimes, a repair can keep your system running for years. Our professional HVAC technicians can provide guidance to help you decide when a repair will fix the problem and when it would be best to install a new furnace.

3. Newer Systems Are More Efficient

If you need a new furnace, you might be happy to hear that some newer models are more energy efficient than was previously possible. Additionally, some new systems could qualify you for rebates.

If you’re in Fairfax and need a furnace installation, call the professionals at Vernon the Heating & Cooling Specialist for a free estimate. We can also provide a free second opinion for furnace replacements. We offer financing options on approved credit. With more than 40 years of experience, our team of NATE-certified technicians is here to serve you with premium products from Carrier and other top manufacturers.

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