Faced with Furnace Repair or Replacement This Winter?

As winter starts to really crank up, you may find that your furnace isn’t providing the warmth that it used to. You may wonder if you’d be better off replacing your furnace instead of repairing it. Here are a few factors to consider when deciding whether furnace repair or replacement is needed.

Your Furnace is Over 15 Years Old

The average life expectancy of most furnaces is between 15 and 20 years. Most breakdowns will happen during the last few years of its lifespan.

If your furnace is over 15 years old, replacing it may be a better investment. A new heating system will save you money by being more energy efficient, keeping you more comfortable and reducing the need for repairs.

Your Furnace Needs Frequent Repairs

Did your furnace need frequent repairs last year? As it gets older, you may find that you’re spending more each year on repairs. Instead, you could spend the money you’d spend on future repairs on a new and more reliable furnace.

The Cost to Heat Your Home Keeps Increasing

It’s normal to see a slight increase in heating costs from year to year. But if you see a large increase, it’s a sign that your furnace is not running as efficiently as it once did. Replacing your furnace will reduce your energy usage and keep your heating costs in check.

Your Furnace Cannot Keep Up

Do you have some rooms in your home that are too cold and others that are too hot? This could mean that your old furnace is unable to keep up with demand. A new and properly sized furnace will be able to efficiently distribute heat to your entire home.

Whether you need to repair or replace your furnace this winter, we can help. In Bethesda, MD, contact Vernon Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule furnace installation or repair.

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