How Commercial IAQ Impacts Employees in Fairfax, VA

How effective is the team at your business in Fairfax, VA? You may notice that some employees take too many sick days, experience frequent lulls in productivity or express low job satisfaction. Here are some ways commercial indoor air quality (IAQ) impacts your workers and their job performance.

Health and Safety

When you have employees spending eight or more hours together inside an office or storefront, air quality tends to drop due to several factors. These include poor ventilation, accumulation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), allergens from outdoors and sick employees who come to work while contagious. Servicing your commercial HVAC system and replacing filters consistently is your first line of defense.

Several commercial IAQ solutions also remove germs and pollutants from the air to prevent employees from inhaling them. Air purifiers, EV lamps and germicidal filters kill germs and remove dust, allergens and other particles from the air. Ventilators remove stale air from the building and bring in fresh air from outside.

Comfort and Productivity

Many employees working in uncomfortable environments daily have difficulty maintaining concentration, morale and productivity. However, providing a work environment with conditioned air and reduced humidity, and without obnoxious odors, reduces distractions. A well-maintained HVAC system is key to promoting both IAQ and employee productivity.

Job Satisfaction and Loyalty

Employees report higher levels of job satisfaction when their employers treat them with respect. Providing a work environment free of airborne health hazards, distracting odors or high humidity allows workers to focus on their work and do a better job of serving customers. Boosting IAQ is an effective way to show your workers that you value them and reduce employee turnover.

Healthy, productive and loyal employees are vital to running a profitable business. Contact us at Vernon Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. today to discuss commercial IAQ solutions for your workplace in Fairfax, VA.

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