Why Are My Cooling Costs so High?

The National Energy Assistance Directors Association cautions that the price of electricity in 2023 is set to jump by 20% compared to 2022. Cooling accounts for 12% of your total energy costs. The average monthly electric bill in Alexandria, VA, is now $176. Whether you blame the power companies or climate change, you may be able to make your cooling costs less frightful.

Do You Get Regular AC Maintenance?

Complex and intelligent systems like modern air conditioners cannot achieve their full potential without seasonal tune-ups. Removal of accumulated dirt, lubrication of moving parts, clearing away condensate line blockages, checking electrical connections and calibrating controls results in a finely-tuned machine that’s highly efficient. Just one maintenance visit can help reduce energy costs by 15%.

Do You Need AC Repair?

The easiest way to inflate energy bills is to deprive the unit of maintenance. According to industry insiders, 95% of AC repairs are directly attributable to poor maintenance. If you have an AC that needs a tune-up, get one now from Vernon The Heating & Cooling Specialist. We promise that the unit’s performance will improve and use less electricity too.

Postponing AC repairs won’t make them go away. Although the system might seem okay for a while, the stress it will undergo while trying to operate normally can damage it beyond repair. It can also launch your electric bills into the stratosphere.

Is Your Air Conditioner Ready for Retirement?

Is your air conditioner a reliable workhorse with years of experience? If you want lower electric bills, consider a new high-efficiency AC installation that will pay for itself in a few years. You’ll be cool as a cucumber, and your electric bills will make you smile instead of groan.

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